Evaluation of bacterial contamination in domestic water sources in Aluu community in Rivers State, Nigeria

Nkechinyere Anwuri Chukwuemeka Ogbuleka, Owhonka Aleruchi, Omu Loveday Kueniode and Victoria Ginika Awari

Microbiology Research International
Published: August 8 2024
Volume 12, Issue 3
Pages 73-77


A microbiological investigation was conducted to assess the quality of domestic water in Aluu community, Rivers State, Nigeria. Ten borehole water samples (labelled A to J) from residential houses were analyzed for total heterotrophic bacteria, coliform, faecal coliform, Salmonella, Shigella, and Escherichia coli (E. coli) using standard microbiological techniques. The results showed a range of 1.3±0.01×102 to 7.7±0.17×102 CFU/ml for total heterotrophic bacteria, 0.3±0.02×102 to 28.8±0.04×102 CFU/ml for total coliform, and 0 to 17.8±0.75×102 CFU/ml for faecal coliform. Salmonella and Shigella were detected in some samples, while E. coli was present in most samples, with a maximum occurrence of 35% in water sample H. The presence of E. coli and other pathogens in the groundwater indicates a significant public health concern, highlighting the need to treat domestic water before consumption to minimize adverse health effects.

Keywords: Water quality, Escherichia coli, microbiological analysis, public health.

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